Friday5 With Team Driver John Cravotta

In this edition of the JConcepts Friday5 we talk to Massachusetts team driver, John Cravotta!

1. When and how did you get started in RC? And what class do you compete in or did you primarily bash your vehicles?

I started competitive Off-Road RC racing in 1980 at Pine Banks in Melrose, MA. My first car was the RC10 and I also converted a RC10 to 4wd with the MIP kit. Ran both of those classes and then added the RC10T to my arsenal. As the years went on, I ran some On-Road, then 1/8 Nitro and Electric classes. I have recently focused on 1/10 Off -Road Carpet and Turf racing. I still do three major On-Road races a year.

2. Name a RC class that you would like to see increase in popularity and why? 

We started a Novice 17.5 2wd Buggy class at my track. It allows the beginner to jump right in with any out of the box kit. I feel it’s the best class to start out in that allows you to really feel what a RC car can do.

3. When life interferes and you can’t wheel your RC car, how do you quench your thirst for RC? Do you work on your car, listen to a RC podcast, watch some racing videos, read RC magazines or books, etc?

I find a race on Live RC, run the feed through my TV and glue tires while I watch it. It’s not always a major race, sometimes it’s the race I couldn’t make.

4. To date what is your favorite JConcepts product of all time and why?

The Nessi Tire hands down was the game changer for me. It was the best all-around tire for Carpet and Turf. I could tune this tire for less side bite if need by trimming every other pin off or even the whole row off. I have won more races because of it.

5. You are obviously highly skilled when it comes to RC cars, but what is one skill or hidden talent that folks might be surprised to find out about you?

I love playing Cornhole! There are weekly tournaments at my campground that I’m a seasonal at. Normal entries are anywhere from 20 to 40 teams of two. I’m one of the top players at camp and my competitiveness from RC Racing carries over. Regardless of how I play that day I still have fun, and that goes for racing as well. I’m always having fun no matter what!!!