Friday5 With Team Driver Dave McEwen

In this edition of the JConcepts Friday5 we talk to North Carolina team driver, Dave McEwen!

1. Ok let’s start with how you got first involved in RC. Did you pick it up from someone, stumbled across a local track, etc.?

I got into RC in 1985 by stumbling upon a new hobby shop in the little town I grew up near in Pennsylvania. The owner was outside running a Tamiya Hornet (I believe) up and down the sidewalk for another potential customer and I was totally into it. I ended up buying a Nikko Rhino and that was it…totally hooked. I actually started working at the shop part-time and all my money went to getting new RC gear. First major upgrade was to a gold tub RC10.

2. When it comes to racing for hardware, which format do you prefer? A three day event that takes up the entire weekend, or a smaller series race that might only be Friday and Saturday? Or even a weekly points night?

When racing for hardware, I like the Friday practice, Saturday qualifying and mains format. I do like the ROAR Nationals and larger race events like the Masters Of Dirt RC Championships with the extra time, but it’s mostly for the extra time to hangout with friends/team guys that you may only get to see at the bigger events.

3. If you have been racing for awhile, what would you say is the number one technology advancement in RC to date AND why?

As I said, I’ve been racing since the late 80’s, and I would have to say the two biggest advancements have been the 2.4GHz radio systems (no longer had to stand in line with your extra crystals to wait for a frequency clip so that you could practice, LOL) and the brushless motor and ESC systems (we always had to tear apart our mod motors, true the comms, and change the brushes, even during a weekly club race). Don’t miss any of that.

4. Name one JConcepts product that you feel is overlooked by many but you find it very useful.

My favorite JConcepts product that may get overlooked is the Finish Line Charger Bag because it holds so much equipment in a small space and fits perfectly in an OGIO bag. Also, I can’t function without the 10th Scale Off-Road Tire Sticks. I personally store all my tires in one gallon Ziploc bags and the Tire Sticks allow me to store two full sets per bag in an organized manner.

5. Besides RC racing, what other activities do you enjoy?

Other than RC (that I enjoy with both my wife and daughter), I play in a competitive steel tip dart league weekly, I enjoy hanging in the pool with my girls or having friends over for pool parties, and although it is still RC, I enjoy helping/mentoring less experienced racers at my local track/region and my side business of building RC kits for customers called Big Dawg WrenchWorx.

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