Friday5 With Team Driver Jason Csontos

In this edition of the JConcepts Friday5 we talk to Pennsylvania team driver, Jason Csontos!

1. Ok first question is one we have to ask everyone in our interviews. How and when did your involvement with RC cars begin?

I always had some sort of toy grade RC when I was a kid. Tyco, that sort of stuff. My parents got me my first hobby grade RC in late ’87 or ’88 when I was 10 or 11. A Tamiya Midnight Pumpkin which I still have. I started racing in ’91 after getting a Team Losi Junior-T for a local dirt oval truck class.

2. This year the vintage scene has exploded with many companies re-releasing kits from years past. Why do you think this is and do you think this trend will continue for years to come?

It’s always great to see vintage kits being re-released. While some of the recent ones are coming because of company anniversaries, they also realize there is a market for them. So they can celebrate their company and help out the vintage community at the same time. And we’re only going into September. Could be more on the horizon. If the parts support hangs around a while, we’ll be in good shape. I hope to see more vintage cars at the track because of it.

3. From your experience in the RC world what would you say is the number one technology advancement to date and why?

I would have to say 2.4ghz radios and LiPo batteries. No drawer full of extra crystal sets. No waiting at the driver stand for a guy to finish practicing to get the frequency clip. No worry about some guy turning his radio on in the pits while you’re leading the A main. No need to have five to six batteries batteries per car on race day because you only use them once a day. No gearing to last four minutes. Oh yeah, 2.4 and LiPo all day!

4. What is your favorite JConcepts product of all time and why?

It’s hard for me to pick favorites, but I’ll say this. I’ve been able to be part of a few vintage projects with Jason and JConcepts. During the build you throw ideas around. Some of those ideas become prototype parts, and some move on to production. It’s cool to later on see those parts on other people’s cars/trucks.

5. Besides RC cars, what other hobbies are you into?

Besides RC, I’m into classic cars both enjoying and restoring them, though that hobby has been a full-time job for the last 15+ years. I’ve also played guitar since I was 9 or 10. And after close to 40 years I should be better at it.