Friday5 With Team Driver Dennis Wilson

In this edition of the JConcepts Friday5 we talk to California team driver, Dennis Wilson!

1. Ok first question is one we have to ask everyone in our interviews. How and when did your involvement with RC cars begin?

My first involvement with RC cars started when I bought my son a Redcat nitro buggy for Christmas in 2003.

2. If you have been dabbling with RC cars for awhile, what would you say is the number one technology advancement in RC to date and why?

In my opinion the number one technology advancement in the last 10 years or so has been LiPo batteries. The run time and the reliability of the LiPos have come a long way.

3. Nitro or Electric racing. If you had to eliminate one all together which one would it be and why?

If I had to get rid of nitro or electric racing, I would absolutely get rid of electric racing. Mechanically speaking, nitro racing is so much more challenging and gratifying when your race goes well. I absolutely love the sound and smell of nitro racing.

4. In your opinion, when heading to the track what is the JConcepts product that is a must have on race day and why?

When I head to the track the must have JConcepts products for me are Reflex tires, a S15 buggy body and F2I wing.

5. What other hobbies are you into besides RC cars?

My other hobby outside of RC racing is RC painting. I have been painting on and off for the last 10 years and find it very relaxing and satisfying. It has its frustrations at times, but I always find a way to come through for my customers.