Friday5 With Team Driver Carrol Culver

In this edition of the JConcepts Friday5 we talk to Idaho team driver, Carrol Culver!

1. Let’s get a little background on your start to RC racing. Were you introduced to it by a friend, family member, or maybe read about or watched something on social media?

My Dad had raced back in the day. My brother and I had peered at the cool cars sitting on the top shelf. Eventually when I was about 13 or so I got a nitro buggy and started driving at a small outdoor track a few minutes away from home.

2. For 2024 what races, series, or other RC related event are you looking forward to attending and why?

I’ve calmed down a lot as far as racing goes in the past year however I still have a few on my radar. I always try to race when the opportunity comes up at 2CRC Raceway, and I plan on attending some Diehard RC events this winter. As far as bucket list races go I’ve always wanted to go to Florida Carpet Championships with my friend and mentor Jeff Keaton.

3. In your opinion, what needs to be done to increase participation in RC racing, or RC in general?

In my opinion there are too many “big” races happening in the industry. I think if we had less then regional races would boost attendance at each event and promote club racing at a local level. I’m a huge advocate for club racing as I believe it’s the core of RC racing.

4. Name one JConcepts product that you feel is overlooked by many but you find it very useful.

I think the best JC item is the tool everyone has but nobody uses enough. I’m the guy who busts out the Aluminum Ride Height Gauge for every run and the Aluminum Camber Gauge at least every outing. When swapping carpet tires or running dirt tires that are ever evolving I find my ride height is always varying.


5. Obviously you are into RC racing but what other activities do you find enjoyment with?

Growing up in a shop environment I’ve always enjoyed working on projects from dirt bikes to stand up jet skis. As much as I love motorsports, in recent years I’ve also found a great respect for the outdoors. I try to get out camping and fly fishing as much as I can.

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