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MAP Pricing Policy

JConcepts has established a Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) policy for their product line, including, but not limited to, tires, wheels, bodies, and accessories. This policy has been in place since the company’s inception and has been firmly monitored beginning in 2016.

This policy applies to retailers who advertise JConcepts products nationally, including but not limited to: Price on retailers’ website including final prices shown in web store shopping cart Online shopping centers (Amazon, eBay, etc.) Print ads, direct mail and newsletters (inserts, magazines, newspapers, etc.) Broadcast media (radio, Internet, TV, etc.) Internet advertising through either their own or any affiliates’ websites (banner ads, broadcast e-mails, and forum posts).

Retailers which advertise JConcepts products for sale below the Minimum Advertised Price shall be deemed to have violated this policy. Sales and coupons should be discussed with JConcepts in advance, clearance items are not in violation if this is a valid item. Sales and coupons must have a valid start and end date and are subject to strict watch and with JConcepts permission.

JConcepts will only make our product line available to those who follow our Minimum Advertised Price policy. Violators of this MAP policy could be terminated without notice. This MAP policy applies to all national advertisers of JConcepts products within the United States and Canada.