“Gotta Support The Team”

I’m off again to attend the ROAR 1/8th fuel Nationals. It’s a quick turnaround from race to race but I think I got the work done I needed so I’m off to support the team. Remember the Seinfeld episode with the face painter? “gotta support the team”

Anyways I’m traveling via US Airways. I paid $25 + $35 for my bags and $7.95 for a fruit, crackers and cheese plate and another goody bag for $4.95 and another $7.95 for Wi-Fi (totally worth it) I’m getting Nickel and Dimed to death but so far so good.

The Wi-Fi has allowed me to communicate with JR Mitch via Skype about today’s action so far. JR got some great videos for us to enjoy while everyone shakes down their vehicles today.

Look for some updated reports and of course more videos and photos as the days progress.

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