Team Talk – Ray Munday

Ray-ChanpWe spend some time talking with JConcepts Team Drivers to learn a little more about them, their racing background, their influences and more.

This week we speak with Associated/JConcepts driver Ray Munday…






How did you get started in radio control, and how long have you been racing?
I saw an issue of RC Car Action in a newsstand around 1988 and was hooked!  I pestered my parents for ages and got a buggy in 1990 and started racing a few months later.  In November it will be 25 years since my first race!

What’s your favorite class? And why?
2wd Modified Buggy for sure.  The cars feel so good to drive when they are set up correctly and can be driven on the throttle which is great fun.  They are also simple to maintain and adjust.  I think they are the epitome of what makes 1/10 electric great. 


What race do you look forward to the most every year? What makes that your favorite?
Personally, it’s the Australian Nationals as it’s a great chance for all the best drivers in the country to come together and catch up.  But the Reedy Race is the event I most look forward to watching as the format is so exciting and brings out the best racers.


Do you have any race day rituals or superstitions?
I do a track walk as soon as I get to the track – before setting up in the pits.  Im a big believer in mental programming so I do some visualization the night before and take deep breaths before climbing the stand to help centre myself.  I need every bit of help nowadays ☺

What R/C accomplishment are you most proud of?
Winning the Australian Nationals in 2wd Mod Buggy (2008) was very satisfying as I had come close many times.  Making the top 40 at the Japan worlds was surprising, especially as an older racer (I’ll be 39 next week!) 
I run a help thread on, which now has followers from all over the world.  Being able to help share knowledge and meet new people has been very satisfying, including some who introduced themselves to me in person at the World titles.

As a family man, Ive been very proud to watch my son (who is 9) and his mates improve all the time and look forward to the time when they are beating all of us!

You have been fortunate enough to attend races outside of your home country of Australia, What are some of the differences you have noticed between the Australian racing scene and other parts of the world?
In terms of tracks, the majority of ours are outdoors on dirt.  Some clay, some granitic, some sandy.  We have a big variation of club level tracks which are usually bumpy and varying levels of traction over a race day.  I’d say that is one of the biggest differences.  I was surprised at the worlds with the speed of the very young racers, although we are starting to get some very fast young guys coming through here as well. 

When you’re not at the track what do you like to do for fun?
I try to spend as much time with my family as I can.  Lachlan is 9 and Jasmine is 6, so bike riding, gaming & watching movies happens most weekends.  I have a very busy day job (working on full size 4wd’s for Toyota) which requires a lot of travel so I try to take advantage of any spare time I have at home with them.

How long have you been racing for JConcepts?
JConcepts have supported me since 2006.  It has been a huge honour to represent the brand as it has grown from strength to strength during this time.

What’s your favorite JConcepts product? And why?
Very difficult question!!  I’ll have to give top 3.  1) 3Ds tyre.  It is super versatile and is always in my pit box.  2) B5M Finnisher Body.  Heaps of steering and hands down best looking body out there.  3) SC10 Over-tray.  Invaluable in loose / damp conditions!

What’s your favorite source for R/C news?
My morning ritual involves reading liverc, redrc and neobuggy.  I always look forward to Waldo’s columns!

We want to thank you for taking the time to answer some questions. If you’d like go ahead and give a shout out to your sponsors.
Thanks to JConcepts for the opportunity to talk on Team Talk!  In addition to the fantastic support from Jason, Allison, John and all the crew at JConcepts, I’d also like to thank Team Associated and Reedy for their support of my racing – without them I couldn’t race at the level I do.  Also a big thanks to my wife Christina and my kids Lachlan and Jasmine, who come along to the races with me.  Finally to all of the people I’ve met over the years who have shared their knowledge, asked questions or just been fun to hang out with at the track.  After 25 years I still love the sport because of the people who enjoy it.