Friday5 With Team Driver Nate Sutherland

In this edition of the JConcepts Friday5 we talk to young Iowa team driver, Nate Sutherland!

1. How did you get started in RC? Was it racing right away, or did you bash vehicles before you found out about the RC race scene?

My dad and older brothers used to race cement oval brushed cars. Later when I was 7 my dad found an Associated car. I can’t remember the type it was but we started racing at Bluegroove Hobbies in Des Moines.

2. What is your favorite class to race in today and why?

13.5 4wd buggy. The cars feel so good and there’s a lot of competition.

3. Name a RC class that you would like to see increase in popularity and why?

4×4 stadium truck. They are so much fun and it’s all together a fun experience for the beginners because they are so strong and reliable so they don’t break. They can be fast for the beginners but you can slow them down easily.

4. Stock or 17.5 2wd Buggy is the biggest class in off-road electric racing currently. Why do you think this is and do you see these as a problem moving forward with the racing industry?

Stock 17.5 buggy is a great class to start off with because it doesn’t have too much power. But I don’t think it will be a problem at all and I think it will do better now in the future.

5. To date what is your favorite JConcepts product of all time and why?

Silver compound Ellipses since they work great on almost all tracks.