Friday5 With Team Driver Randy Lathrop

In this edition of the JConcepts Friday5 we talk to Texas team driver, Randy Lathrop!

1. When and how did you get started in RC? And what class do you compete in or did you primarily bash your vehicles?

I got started back in ’92 in Northern California running On-Road and eventually my favorite which is Dirt Oval. LOL, I basically did both as much as I could for about two years and then went big car racing (Sprint cars) and raised a family for the next 20 years. I came back to the hobby 10 years ago and much had changed. I started off in 1/10 Off-Road at the old Cap-City indoor track in Sacramento where Mark and Matt Francis are from. Eventually I started to travel all over Northern and Southern California racing and some parts of Nevada. I have migrated to the South and primarily race Dirt Oval now but dabble in 1/8 Off-Road as well throughout Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana.

2. In your opinion, what classes have you noticed that seem to be in a decline? And how would you try to resolve this so there is more participation?

I have seen a huge decline in Stadium Truck and Short Course in Off-Road as well as Short Course Modified in Dirt Oval. I don’t really have an answer as to how to bring them back. I feel that in the Off-Road sector it has a lot to do with just too many classes in general. In Dirt Oval it has everything to do with the expense of these cars and the poor driving etiquette. I could go on for days talking about how to fix that class LOL.

3. What is your biggest win to date and why?

Probably my biggest win as far as a big races go would be the Ultimate RC Pitstop Shootout in Pennsylvania a couple of years ago for Mod Sprint Car. However, my biggest win as far as the biggest accomplishment was beating Nathan Dean at just a regular club race last year in Mod Sprint. He is my kryptonite!

4. To date what is your favorite JConcepts product of all time and why?

My favorite JConcepts product would be the backpack that allows you to carry tires and my car with me on business trips. That bag is just so amazing!

5. You are obviously highly skilled when it comes to RC cars, but what is one skill or hidden talent that folks might be surprised to find out about you?

Not sure how many know that I raced full-size Sprint cars for about 12 years on the West Coast. I was pretty successful for the most part. Won some races at different tracks running both Wing and Non-wing cars. I am proud of that time in my life, especially getting to drive for my mom before she passed away.