Friday5 With Team Driver Aaron Buran

In this edition of the JConcepts Friday5 we talk to Ohio team driver, Aaron Buran!

1. When and how did you get started in RC? And what class do you compete in or did you primarily bash your vehicles?

I was always interested in things with wheels, which drew me into RC cars. On the Christmas of 1983 my parents gave me a Kyosho Super Alta combo from Tower Hobbies.

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After bashing outside with my friends, within a year we had an RC10 and an Associated RC12E. I have been racing ever since, I was 11 years old then and I’m 48 now.

2. If you have been racing for awhile, what would you say is the number one technology advancement in RC to date AND why?

Radio 2.4ghz technology was a game changer. I say that because I also had the pleasure of field testing and bringing to market early DSM technology with Horizon Hobby. I bet lots of racers don’t know what a frequency clip is these days!

3. What is your biggest win to date and why?

For me winning my 1/12th class at the US Indoor Champs in 2007. That event in Cleveland, Ohio is one of the most competitive and long standing on-road races in the world. In that same year I won the Canadian 1/8th scale on-road nationals.

4. In your opinion, when heading to the track what is the JConcepts product that is a must have on race day and why?

Lots of JConcepts tires. The right tire, with the right compound in the right weather, makes all the difference! My go to tires are Reflex, ReHab and Stalkers.

5. Name one thing people might be surprised to know about you.

You know what’s funny, when get asked this question, I usually tell people I race cars! Outside of racing and golf, people tell me I’m a very good cook. I love cooking for friends and family.