Friday5 With Team Driver Danny Smith

In this edition of the JConcepts Friday5 we talk to Alabama team driver, Danny Smith!

1. When you first got into RC racing, what pro driver did you look up to and why? Or maybe there was a local/regional driver that you followed?

When I first got into RC, it was all 1/10 oval racing, but I always saw Adam Drake and Brian Kinwald in the magazines. If I’m honest, I really started following Drake cause I liked his paint job. My current paint scheme is still inspired by his, but different colors of course. It turns out, the more I followed him the more I noticed how knowledgeable and helpful he was and still is.

2. If you have been racing for awhile, what would you say is the number one technology advancement in RC to date AND why?

I’d say the biggest advancement has to be the 2.4ghz radios, but the lipo batteries and brushless motors are huge too.

3. In your opinion, what needs to be done to make RC more “mainstream” and get more people involved?

I’m not sure how much more mainstream its going to get honestly, but to get more people involved, I think everyone needs to focus more on their local club racing and be willing to help the new guys as much as possible. Big races are cool and I love them, but local club racing is what builds the hobby.

4. To date what is your favorite JConcepts product of all time and why?

My favorite JConcepts product has to be the Detox 1/8 scale buggy tire. At my home track, The Warehouse Hobby Raceway, the Green compound in the winter and Aqua in the summer is always my “go to” tires. With this tire, my buggy is always stable and easy to drive hard without mistakes. When your nickname is “The Hammer”, you have to have parts you can run hard! The other reason I like this tire is it lasts a very long time. This is very important to me as well.

5. Name one thing people might be surprised to know about you.

One thing people might be surprised to know about me is I used to drag race a 1000hp outlaw FWD Civic, but I can’t leave out the fact I’ve got the baddest pit chick on the planet!