Friday5 With Team Driver Joe Zaier Jr.

In this edition of the JConcepts Friday5 we talk to Minnesota team driver, Joe Zaier Jr.!

1. When and how did you get started in RC? And what class do you compete in or did you primarily bash your vehicles?

My dad got me into racing in 1988. My first car was a very clapped out RC10 with some Losi parts mixed in. For the indoor season I race 2wd buggy and 4wd buggy, and in the summer I race 8th scale nitro buggy on the dirt and 5th scale and mini truggy on astro.

2. If you had to guess where the 1/10 off-road electric scene is ten years from now, would you expect to see more dirt, carpet, or turf tracks and why?

I would expect to see more carpet and astro turf in 10 years for the simple fact that most tracks are built in rental properties, and it’s very difficult to convince a landlord that you’re going to bring a bunch of dirt into their building.

3. In your opinion, what needs to be done to increase participation in RC racing, or RC in general? is doing what needs to be done with the recent Visions race. And it’s also what the Loosenuts Raceway crew does at the HayDays race every year. And that’s getting RC in front of the general public. Also we need to mess with the race format a little bit. We shouldn’t spend more time qualifying than we do actually racing.

4. In your opinion, when heading to the track what is the JConcepts product that is a must have on race day and why?

Besides tires, I need three things but they all go together. I need my JConcepts setup board, my JConcepts ride height gauge, and my JConcepts camber gauge.

5. You are obviously highly skilled when it comes to RC cars, but what is one skill or hidden talent that folks might be surprised to find out about you?

I’m ok at submission grappling. It’s what I do when I’m not at the track