Friday5 With Team Driver Jerrid Wright

In this edition of the JConcepts Friday5 we talk to Alabama team driver, Jerrid Wright!

1. When you first got into RC racing, what pro driver did you look up to and why? Or maybe there was a local/regional driver that you followed?

I really didn’t know much about RC racing or that there were pro drivers at the time, but Ben Robbins basically took me under his wing and taught me the basics and pushed me to practice more. RC racing helped me get through a really dark time in my life. Super thankful for the fellowship it has brought to my life.

2. For this year, what races are you looking forward to attending and why? They can be local, regional, national, etc?

Really looking forward to the season opener at RC3 (Rocket City Radio Controlled Race Club) in Huntsville, AL. I took a hiatus recently to just mentally focus and spend time with my wife and son! I really want to travel more this season and meet new people in the hobby.

3. When life interferes and you can’t wheel your RC car, how do you quench your thirst for RC? Do you work on your car, listen to a RC podcast, watch some racing videos, read RC magazines or books, etc?

Spending time with my family, collecting silver or going to the shooting range. Watching SIC (Southern Indoor Championship) and AMS (Alabama Manufacturer Shootout) on YouTube, or just gaming on Xbox.

4. To date what is your favorite JConcepts product of all time and why?

Most definitely the Combo Thumb Wrench. It’s easily accessible and doesn’t take up a lot of room in my pit space.

5. Besides RC racing, what other activities do you enjoy?

If I’m not racing I’m usually at a race track somewhere. My cousin and good friend both race. I’m either there with them or watching racing on tv with my son.