Product Spotlight: 1/10th Buggy Team Associated and TLR Body Options

With the recent release of the JConcepts P2 4wd body for the B74.2 as well as the 22X-4 we thought it would be a good time to compare the bodies for the 1/10th scale Team Associated and TLR 2wd and 4wd buggies. We currently offer 3 different bodies for each platform in both lightweight and regular options. Included at the bottom as well is a comparison video of the P2 versus the F2 by Spencer Rivkin.



The S2 was the original design in the current generation of bodies for JConcepts. The S2 has a bit more relaxed steering feeling and doesn’t seem to generate as much weight transfer front to back on 2wd and 4wd buggies. These characteristics have pushed drivers to have this body ready to go for most carpet tracks where reducing steering can be an advantage. Keeping the car flatter is also typically an improvement on carpet as well.



The F2 was the second design in the newest generation of bodies for JConcepts. The F2 has come to be the most used and most popular design we currently offer and is the staple look for a 2wd and 4wd buggy. The F2 provides a good amount of steering as well as traction when compared to the other options and is usually a good balanced starting option for either carpet or dirt tracks. This is typically the first go-to body for the pros to have in their bag.



Finally the P2 was the most recent addition to the lineup. The P2 is a good option to increase rear grip in lower bite situations with the raised fins and slope of the back of the body. The body doesn’t really offer as much steering as the F2 for example but can be in improvement in rear grip when that is needed. A lot of drivers prefer this design when running treaded tires or even pins.

Cheat Sheet:
S2: Smooth Stable
F2: Agile Balanced
P2: Increased Traction