Friday5 With Team Driver Frosty St.Clair

In this edition of the JConcepts Friday5 we talk to Texas team driver, Frosty St.Clair!

1. How did you learn about RC car racing? What class did you participate in to begin with and why?

I first saw RC car racing on a tv show called That’s Incredible which would have been around 1983-1984ish. I was probably 10 at the time and wanted one worse than I had ever wanted anything up to that point in my life. My dad said I was too young, and if I still wanted one when I turned 14 he’d buy me one. I never gave up on that dream and for my 14th birthday I got my first real non-RadioShack type RC car, a Marui Hunter 1/10 off-road buggy. Later that same year we went to the first ever ROAR 1/10 On-Road nationals in Tulsa, OK which I TQ’ed and won.

Photo credit: Radio Control Car Action Magazine

After that I was picked up by Mike Reedy and Associated and started traveling with the team some.

Frosty poses for a team photo at the IFMAR 1:10 Electric Off-Road Worlds in Japan

2. If you have been racing for a while, what would you say is the number one technology advancement in RC to date AND why?

For sure no longer needing to wait in line to get a frequency clip is a huge improvement! I would have to say in terms of what you can do with the car on the racetrack however, the biggest game changer would likely be tires. Back then we didn’t have nearly the traction the tires of today have. Sure, the brushless stuff is different and still to me has a much different feel to it, but in the end I’m not convinced it allows for driving the cars that differently. For sure LiPo’s too, more so than the motors. Allowing for the longer races is a big change from barely making 5 minutes in a 4wd 1/10 main.

3. When life interferes and you can’t wheel your RC car, how do you quench your thirst for RC?

Do a little bit of sim-racing online with iRacing and some online poker. I don’t actually work on my stuff at home as much as I’d like, the cat (Taco) won’t allow it. He’s fine with me doing other things but he will not leave me be to work on my stuff for some weird reason.

4. Name one JConcepts product that you feel is overlooked by many but you find it very useful. It could be a tool, tread pattern, wing, etc.

I’m not sure if it’s new or if I missed it previously, but I recently discovered the JConcepts Finish Line Charger Bag. That thing slaps!

5. Name one thing people might be surprised to know about you.

I turn 50 this year? Spaghetti stresses me out? The pressure of trying to ration the noodles to the sauce… it’s just too much!