Friday5 With Team Driver Loren Kretzschmar

In this edition of the JConcepts Friday5 we talk to Florida team driver, Loren Kretzschmar!

1. How did you get started in RC? Was it racing right away, or did you bash vehicles before you found out about the RC race scene?

I started off with a Tamiya Super Champ in the early 1980’s. Later on I got the nitro bug and picked up a HPI Nitro MT 4wd and a HPI Nitro RS4 that I converted into a drag car with a Novorossi .21 engine clocked at 106mph. I ran these for a while and then found out about Mills Pond RC Speedway. I found out real quick the differences between a basher and a racer, so as any good RC enthusiast would do…I upgraded to a Losi XXX-NT and a Kyosho Kanai II 1/8 Buggy!

2. For this year, what races are you looking forward to attending and why?

The ROAR Region 4 Championship at Coral Spring RC Track. It is a fun time with a lot of good people from the area that I haven’t seen in a while. I’m hoping to get into the Florida RC Championship Series and The Emerge Series in the remainder of the year.

3. When life interferes and you can’t wheel your RC car, how do you quench your thirst for RC?

I have my pit trailer in the back yard connected and running so I’m in there when I cannot get to a race. The wife prefers when I watch the races in my trailer instead of in the living room.

4. In your opinion, when heading to the track what is the JConcepts product that is a must have on race day and why?

Tires! Tires!! Tires!!! The JConcepts tires just seem to handle the best and the compounds holdup amazingly along with having a tread for all conditions. Also, must have my JC lid to keep the sun off my head and promote the brand.

5. Name one thing people might be surprised to know about you.

That I’m legally blind in reading due to my Dyslexia and didn’t find out until I was in High School.

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